Frequently Asked Questions
Holistic Nutrition & Wellness Services
Stress Reduction Therapy:
What do I need to bring prior to a Virtual SRT Appointment?
- Provide Date of Birth
- Photo of yourself with a white background.
- Completed Intake form
- Completed consent form
- Read & sign “Best practices for your appointment”
What do I need to bring prior to a Virtual AO SCAN Appointment?
- Provide Date of Birth
- Weight / Height
- Email Address
- Photo of you with a white background
- 10 second voice recording of you talking about things you love
- Completed Intake form
- Completed consent form
- Informed Consent Filled out
- Read & sign “AO Scan personal health & wellness consultation waiver”
How does the Virtual Appointment work?
We would book a time on Zoom or FaceTime so that I could have your energetic frequency in the room with me (along with the photo) where we scan and process you.
During this time we would discuss your intake that you would have filled out prior to your appointment. We would also discuss your top three areas of concern that have been giving you issues.
All you have to do is sit back and relax, with arms, legs and heart open to receiving the balancing frequencies.
This vibrational frequency medicine is designed to trigger your body’s unique ability to heal itself and reset its energetic network!
Does the machine really work from a distance?
All living and non-living things possess a unique, measurable energetic frequency. Since these frequencies are measurable, there are many different modalities that can test our willingness to receive or resist certain frequencies.
With Stress Reduction Therapy, (SRT), the energy does not “travel” anywhere. It is simply “sent” and received” by intention alone and is instantly “transmitted”.
What is happening here is that by the power of the practitioner intending to affect an area on the remote subject, the intended effect is received by the willing and participating client. So this type of distance work “works” for many types of alternative healing modalities. It’s about the power of intention, the belief of the practitioner, and the receptivity of the receiver.
So, why do we have to be on the phone while you scan me?
The phone connection is only necessary so that I can communicate with you, get feedback and permission to enter your energy field. The frequency transcends time and space and the physical phone line has nothing to do with the efficacy of the healing.
I still don’t understand how SRT can help me. Can you give me an example?
Our bodies either recognize frequencies or they do not. If you have an allergy to dogs, it simply means that your body does not recognize the FREQUENCY of dogs. If you get bloated when you eat bread, your body does not recognize the frequency of gluten.
Everything is energy. Through the modality of SRT we help your body to recognize the specific frequencies that it needs to properly digest foods and to be around certain animals or chemicals that might have given you issues in the past. Once your body recognizes these specific frequencies, your symptoms gradually disappear like magic!
So does the energy frequency travel towards me – like where I live?
With Stress Reduction Therapy, (SRT), the energy does not “travel” anywhere. It is simply “sent” and received” by intention alone and is instantly “transmitted”.
What is happening here is that by the power of the practitioner intending to affect an area on the remote subject, the intended effect is received by the willing and participating client.
So this type of distance work “works” for many types of alternative healing modalities.
It’s about the power of intention, the belief of the practitioner, and the receptivity of the receiver.
Is SRT covered by insurance?
In general, bio scanner testing and assessments are provided on a cash basis in the USA and are not typically covered by insurance. However, if your insurance offers a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) you may be able to apply the services toward that account. In other countries there can be reimbursement depending upon the insurance plan.
“I’m happy that I met my goals with the program which were to become more mindful about what I put in my body and to manage my sugar addiction. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to stick it out, given the number of major food categories I had to eliminate from my diet, but I surprised myself.
The 14-day period was manageable and went by quickly – after all, it isn’t a lifetime, just 14 days to try something healthy for my body.
I liked how the first two days focused on preparing both my pantry and my mindset. Once on the detox, after the second and third day, it just became habit to stick with the food groups I was allowed and steer clear of those I wasn’t. It was much easier than counting calories or points.”

Recharge your body for spring!
Spring Scan Special: Receive a private scan for just $47 ($147 value)
- Address specific health concerns
- Scan your blood health
- Check your chakras and meridian points
- Assess your digestive system
- Receive a nutritional analysis and recommendations on supplements
- Gain insight on your overall physical performance
- Identify harmful toxicities
Just fill in a questionnaire and you'll receive your scan report and recommendations within 2 days!
“Thanks to your 14-day detox program and your coaching, I feel I am ready to face the holiday season with some self control and some new habits of mindful eating. I have increased energy to get to projects that I’ve been putting off for some time. And though it wasn’t a specific goal, I’m also a few pounds lighter – 8 to be exact, which was a surprising outcome for me. And yet I didn’t feel like I was depriving myself too much – just making healthy choices.”